What Should I Bring With Me?

Our rooms are furnished with the basic necessities, phone and television. You will need your own clothing and any personal items for comfort. We recommend that all belongings are labelled with your name. For short term rehabilitation you will need 3-4 comfortable outfits and a pair of well-fitting shoes. Please ask our admissions team if you have specific questions on what you can bring.

What should I leave at home?

We encourage you to leave valuables, jewelry, money, purses/wallets at home or with your loved ones.

Can I bring my personal medications?

No, all medication including over the counter medications will be ordered/provided by our pharmacy and administered by our nursing staff.

When will therapy/rehab begin?

Therapy typically begins within 24 hours of admission.

What Paperwork is Required for Admission?

Upon admission the resident or responsible party will need to complete both nursing admission paperwork and an Admission Agreement with the admissions team. You will need to provide copies of your Insurance Cards, COVID Vaccination Card, Power Of Attorney, Health Care Representative, Living Will, Conservatorship, Etc.

How can Senior Planning Services help you and your loved one with the application process for Senior Planning Services Benefit?

Manchester Rehab and Healthcare and Senior Planning Services understands when a resident or family applies for Medicaid it is deeply personal and overwhelming. It is our goal to simplify the process for you and guide them through the Medicaid maize in order to obtain timely approvals for the facilities. Senior Planning Services will act as the liaison with the nursing home, the State, and collect documents we can on your behalf; bank statements, life insurance, pension and annuities. The perspective family can contact the office or if indicated we will call them to start the process. There is a free consultation by phone and invite you to have anyone call our office. In our experience, after speaking with the family they will have a better understanding how the resident moves from rehabilitation to private pay then onto Medicaid. There is a flat fee charge that never changes regardless of issues involved or if there is a community spouse. Information will be made available as appropriate and allow you to focus on doing what is most important for you, caring for your loved one.

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